AIPT Movies

Get Your Ass to March: Ghosts of Mars

Episode Summary

It’s March, so that means it’s time for the AIPT Movies podcast’s “Get Your Ass to March” series! Where we cover movies that relate to the planet Mars and/or the 1990 sci-fi classic, Total Recall! In this week’s episode, Alex, Tim, and Matt kick off the series by discussing another film set on that mysterious and alluring red planet, John Carpenter’s 2001 space-action-horror flick Ghosts of Mars! Shocking deaths and beheadings! A deeply misguided attempt to impress a girl with one’s can-opening skills! A flashback within a flashback within a flashback! Creepy Mars vibes and visuals that evoke the fear of a nightmare on a dead planet! Hot Topic space-zombies with muppet voices! A possibly-miscast Natasha Henstridge! Pam Grier! Young Jason Statham with some degree of hair! Ice Cube having a lot of fun at least! A somewhat misunderstood attempt at a crowd-pleasing blockbuster from legendary director John Carpenter, that continues his impressive and distinctive work as a composer, even if it’s occasionally a little too metal for its own good! In addition, Tim and Alex share their spoiler-free thoughts on Dune 2, while Alex talks about another late-career John Carpenter joint, Escape from L.A.!

Episode Notes

It’s March, so that means it’s time for the AIPT Movies podcast’s “Get Your Ass to March” series! Where we cover movies that relate to the planet Mars and/or the 1990 sci-fi classic, Total Recall! In this week’s episode, Alex, Tim, and Matt kick off the series by discussing another film set on that mysterious and alluring red planet, John Carpenter’s 2001 space-action-horror flick Ghosts of Mars!

Shocking deaths and beheadings! A deeply misguided attempt to impress a girl with one’s can-opening skills! A flashback within a flashback within a flashback! Creepy Mars vibes and visuals that evoke the fear of a nightmare on a dead planet! Hot Topic space-zombies with muppet voices! A possibly-miscast Natasha Henstridge! Pam Grier! Young Jason Statham with some degree of hair! Ice Cube having a lot of fun at least! A somewhat misunderstood attempt at a crowd-pleasing blockbuster from legendary director John Carpenter, that continues his impressive and distinctive work as a composer, even if it’s occasionally a little too metal for its own good!

In addition, Tim and Alex share their spoiler-free thoughts on Dune 2, while Alex talks about another late-career John Carpenter joint, Escape from L.A.!

Also, if you want to help support an exciting new movie from the director of Psycho Goreman and Manborg, check out the Kickstarter for Steve Kostanski’s Deathstalker movie!

You can find AIPT Movies on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. As always, if you enjoy the podcast, be sure to leave us a positive rating, subscribe to the show, and tell your friends!

The AIPT Movies podcast brings you the latest in movie news, reviews, and more! Hosted by supposed “industry vets,” Alex Harris, Tim Gardiner, and Matt Paul, the show gives you a peek behind the scenes from three filmmakers with oddly nonexistent filmographies. You can find Alex on Instagram and Twitter @ActionHarris. Matt is a terrific artist that you can find on Instagram @no_wheres_ville. Tim can’t be found on social media because he doesn’t exist. If you have any questions or suggestions for the AIPT Movies crew, they can be reached at, or you can find them on Twitter @AIPTmoviesPod.

Theme song is “We Got it Goin On” by Cobra Man.